Lilydale North Preschool
Lilydale North Preschool
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Our philosophy at Lilydale North Preschool is that every child should have equal access to a preschool education that is of the highest standard.

We view the total kindergarten environment as space for learning and use it to create a cheerful, friendly, caring and relaxing atmosphere in an environment that is attractive, stimulating, challenging, safe and fun.

Education within our kindergarten enables the children to meet various needs: their acceptance by others, adventure and achievement at their own level and a sense of security and belonging, fostering a healthy self-esteem.

Our planned program caters for the development of each individual and the group as a whole and the recognition of the value of play.  To children, play is work and represented in their way of learning.  As play involves every aspect of the child's development, children learn more through play than any other activity.

In our kindergarten, the child selects the activity he/she will undertake and emphasis is on informal teaching and play, motivated by interest.

We endeavor to present ourselves to the children as warm caring, positive, flexible people who greet them individually with a smile.  We will have time to sit, guide and talk whilst having fun with them in a relaxed unhurried manner.

For more information please go to our website

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